Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Most Adorable Endangered Creature Ever?

The Axoloti salamander or "Mexican Walking Fish" is threatened with extinction.
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Ubercool "Mexican walking fish" Nearing Extinction

Axolotl photo

Most Adorable Endangered Creature Ever?
We're saddened to learn that the alien-looking Axolotl salamander (Ambystoma mexicanum), aka Mexican walking fish or Mexican water monster, is seriously threatened with extinction because of habitat destruction and water pollution.

Axolotl mexican water monster photo
Axolotl mexican walking fish photo
Axolotl mexican water monster photo

Axolotl's Last Stand?
One problem is with non-native fish species like the Asian Carp and the African tilapia that eat young Axolotls. They haven't evolved in the same environment, so they don't have good defense mechanisms against them.

The other big issue is habitat destruction. Lakes have been drained, and wastewater from Mexico City pollute waterways. This will not be easy to fix, but something will have to be done because these species that are threatened are just the canary in the coal mine. Bigger problems are on the horizon.

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