Monday, December 22, 2008

Amazing X-Ray Images

Amazing (and Disturbing) X-Ray Images

This x-ray shows the stomach of an Israeli woman who swallowed a fork while trying to catch a bee that flew into her mouth.

A schoolboy archer in China had an narrow escape after being shot with an arrow through the eye by a classmate.

This poor fellow didn't heed is parents' advice about not playing with firecrackers.

The x-ray of Ron Hunt's skull shows an 18-inch-long drill bit that pierced Hunt's eye socket and went through his head, just nudging his brain. Hunt, a construction worker, fell off a ladder and landed on the drill he was using at a construction site.

This X-ray shows a 3-inch nail in the head of a Houston carpenter. The nail missed half a dozen vital areas by an eighth of an inch. 

When this 12-week-old terrier was reluctant to curl up, his owner knew something was wrong and took him to get checked out. An x-ray revealed a seven-inch kitchen knife in his stomach.

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